cashback payments and how they work

Payment Mode:- Payment Deduction:-

Payment Mode:- #

Visit Admin Panel->SALES & CASHBACK->Payment Mode.

  1. Enter the Name of the Payment mode.
  2. Enter the Code of it.
    – Note:- Enter the code without space.
  3. Select the image by clicking on Choose File and remove the image by clicking on Remove File.
  4. Enter the Account Type.
    – Note:- That depends upon the Payment Mode for example- if it is UPI payment mode then account type is text, if it’s Paytm payment mode then the number.
  5. Enter the Account name.
    – Note:- That depends upon the Payment Mode for example- if it is UPI payment mode then the account name is UPI id, if it’s Paytm payment mode then the Paytm registered mobile number.
  6. When Enabled is ON it is going to show on the front end.
  7. Enter the Minimum Amount required for the first withdrawal.
    Note:- For the first time when a user request withdrawal that much minimum amount will be available.
  8. Enter the Minimum Amount required for payment withdrawal.
  9. When Cashback Allowed is ON it is going to show the cashback enabled on the front end side otherwise not.
  10. When Reward Allowed is ON it is going to show the reward enabled on the front end side otherwise not.
  11. Enter the Payment Speed.
  1. Enter the Key.
  2. Enter the Label Name.
    – Note:- It is a caption for a specified element.
  3. Select Type from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter the Options if any available.
  5. Enter the Placeholder.
    – Note: The placeholder attribute specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field.
  6. If Required is ON then that field is required to enter data while you are adding a New Payment Mode otherwise not required you can skip it.

Note:- Other Payment Mode(Paypal, Bank Transfer, UPI Payment, Gift Voucher) are configured the same way as explained above. The most important thing take care of the “PaymentModeFields“.Note:- See the below image for better understanding.

Payment Deduction:- #

  1. Create the Payment Mode.
  • Hint:- Refer Payment mode as above mentioned.

Visit Admin Panel-> Users->Withdrawal Request

  1. Here Payment id created.
  2. The user name is selected.
  3. Method code is selected from the drop-down list.
  4. Account name
  5. Total Amount displayed
  6. Cashback amount displayed
  7. Reward amount displayed
  8. When you are going to verify it.
  9. Admin can text some data if he wants.
  10. additional Information.
  11. API Status.
  12. API response.
  13. Note if it is needed.
  14. Payment reference no.
    – Note:- Here manually payment would be done reference no is going to be entered by the Admin.
  15. Amount Paid at which date.
  16. Status.

Note:- These all recorded come from the user who filled up the Payment Withdrawal Request. That is basically within User Profile-> Cashback Payment mode.Visit Admin Panel->User->Paypal Payout.Note:- Only for the Paypal payment.

  • If the admin wants to transfer the bulk amount of payment then click on the Bulk transfer.
  • Otherwise, he can do it manually also by going into the edit option and click on the initial payout on a specific user as shown in the below image.

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