Configure Chat Rooms


  1. Name:- Represents the name of the chat room. Example: India. This field is mandatory and used to identify the chat room.
  2. Code:- A unique code identifier for the chat room. Example: in_room could indicate the chat room for users in India.
  3. Min Tier:- Specifies the minimum tier required for users to access this chat room. Example: If set to 2, only users with tier 2 or higher can join the chat room.
  4. Countries:- A list of countries allowed to access the chat room. Example: ["IN"] allows only users from India to access.
  5. Enabled:- A toggle to activate or deactivate the chat room.
  6. Icon:- Allows uploading an image or icon to visually represent the chat room. Example: The flag of India is used to represent a chat room for Indian users.

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