Overcoming Challenges and Opportunities for Micro-Influencers

Since the launch of short videos, we have seen a rise in influencers on social media, and brands have seen a massive opportunity to promote their products effectively.

But, somewhere in this growing demand for influencers, micro-influencers are left out and don’t get equal opportunities to promote products and start earning with their quality content. 

In this article, we will discuss who micro-influencers are, the challenges they face in finding brand partnerships, and the platforms that they can use to start that journey.

Who are Micro-Influencers? #

Micro-influencers are social media users who have a relatively low but highly engaged following, typically ranging between 1,000 to 100,000 followers. Unlike macro-influencers or celebrities, micro-influencers often focus on specific niches, such as fitness, beauty, travel, or technology.

Their followers often find them more trustworthy since they can relate more with them. They are just like any other social media user. Having a 1000 following is not a big thing these days, so their followers are more likely to trust their promoted products as genuine. It results in higher engagement rates than macro influencers and celebrities(Not in terms of reach, but in terms of percentage of audience engaged)

But, since they have a low following and reach, they often face challenges finding sponsors and brand partnerships.

👉 Challenges for Micro-Influencers in Finding Brand Partnerships #

Limited Reach

Having 1K to 10K followers is something common these days. You will find many users who are not even influencers have this many followers. So, brands often prioritize influencers with larger followings to get more visibility. 


Micro-influencers often go unnoticed because there are a huge number of influencers in the market. Especially since the short video features have been introduced, the number of influencers is increasing at a higher rate. 

Negotiating Power

Let’s be honest here, you don’t get to negotiate when you don’t have higher followers. Micro-influencers might have better engagement rates, but with low reach and higher competition, it is almost impossible to negotiate higher compensation. 

Access to Opportunities

Micro-influencers don’t make money right from the very beginning. Also, they don’t have a big network. So, it makes it harder for them to find brand partnerships. They are more likely to do it manually without any tools and references, so it is a time-consuming process as well for them.

Thou micro influencers face these challenges, there are platforms that help them find and promote products from brands of every size. Micro-influencers can join them as affiliates and earn commissions from bringing sales.

👉 Platforms for Micro-Influencers to Start Earning #

1. EarnKaro #

EarnKaro is an affiliate marketing platform that allows users to share deals from various brands and earn commissions. With its user-friendly interface and high commission rates, it is an attractive option for micro-influencers looking to monetize their social media presence. 


  • Competitive Commission Rates: Earn up to 70% commission on various brands.
  • Wide Range of Brands: Access to deals from over 200 brands, including Flipkart, Myntra, and more.
  • Earnings calculator: Micro-influencers can calculate earnings based on their niche and the number of products sold.
  • Timely Payments: EarnKaro is a trusted platform with comprehensive support and accurate tracking features to help influencers earn money and get timely payments. 

2. ExtraPe #

ExtraPe connects micro-influencers with a wide range of products to promote. The platform offers various tools to optimize and track affiliate marketing efforts, enabling influencers to earn commissions effectively.

Unique Features:

  • Easy Onboarding: Register with simple steps to start earning commissions by sharing deals.
  • Mega earning festivals: ExtraPe organizes mega earnings festivals for top affiliates to win all-expense paid trips. It can help micro influencers earn higher than usual commissions and also win additional trips and rewards.
  • ExtraPe extension: This platform offers an extension that helps micro-influencers convert any link into profit links.
  • Profit links: ExtraPe has tools that can help you convert links into profit links using Bitly. Influencers can share these profit links on WhatsApp, Facebook, and other platforms to earn commission. 

3. Earnly #

Earnly simplifies the process for micro-influencers to find and promote products, making it easier to earn commissions. The platform is designed to cater specifically to influencers looking to monetize their content.

Unique Features:

  • Get Offers: Brands will send micro influencers campaign requests right to your email, making it super easy to find new opportunities.
  • Price Negotiation: Influencers can set their own pricing on the platform and negotiate campaigns to ensure you’re getting the best deals.
  • Payment: Influencers often receive your payouts directly from Earnly within 30 days after each campaign ends.
  • Independence: No need to sign any exclusive contracts, so influencers can stay flexible and independent in their collaborations.

4. INRDeals #

INRDeals helps micro-influencers earn commissions by promoting a wide range of products. Influencers can choose products that align with their niche and audience, making it easier to generate sales and earn commissions.

Unique Features:

  • ON THE FLY link generator: INRDeals introduced a simple way to generate affiliate links and earn commissions. Simply add https://inrdeals.com/username/ to the product URL and start earning commissions from it.
  • Hybrid links: With INRDeals, bringing sales is not the only way to earn a commission. Influencers can earn a commission for bringing traffic as well with hybrid links
  • Generate ads: If someone wants to promote your links via paid campaigns, INRDeals has the option to generate Banner, dynamic, and hybrid ads.
  • Variety of niche products: INRDeals has variety of products available to promote. It include finance, retail, software products and more.

5. Sankmo #

Sankmo provides a platform for micro-influencers to join affiliate programs and promote products through unique referral links. The Sankmo dashboard helps influencers track their performance and earnings, making affiliate marketing management more accessible.

Unique Features:

  1. User-Friendly Dashboard: Easy-to-navigate interface to track performance and earnings.
  2. Diverse Product Categories: Promote a variety of products from multiple categories.
  3. Real-Time Analytics: Access to real-time data to monitor clicks and conversions.
  4. Exclusive Deals: Get access to special deals and offers exclusively for Sankmo affiliates.

👉 How working with these brands can benefit micro-influencers? #

Showcase Capabilities

By working with a variety of brands, micro-influencers can show their ability to effectively promote diverse products. It helps boost credibility and increase trustworthiness.

Expand Partnerships

If you have a successful track record of driving sales and engagement, you can attract more brand partnerships. 

Increase Earnings

You can start earning commissions from these platforms. It can be reinvested to grow the follower base and approach big brands to directly work with. 

Growth Opportunities

Influencers can get access to real-time analytics and performance. It can help you optimize your strategies and product offerings to get better results.

Conclusion #

There is no doubt that brands will spend more and more money on promoting products via influencers. And these platforms can help you build credibility and increase earnings to show your potential as an influencer.

Register on these platforms and start your earning journey as a content creator today!

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