A guide to configuring user dashboards

Overview of Configuring User dashboard:- #

configuring user dashboards


  • Enter the Title.
  • select the Paragraph by clicking on the “+” button and enter the content.
  • Select the “User Account” as a Template from the Drop-down list.

User Cashback Activities #

cashback activities


user cashback
  1. Enter the Title.
  2. select the Paragraph by clicking on the “+” button and enter the content.
  3. Select the “User Cashback Activities” as a Template from the Drop-down list.

Refer & Earn:- #

refer and earn


  1. Enter the Title.
  2. Block
    1. Choose Icon by clicking on the button.
    2. Enter the Timeline Title.
    3. Enter the Timeline Description related to the title.
  3. Add Row by clicking on add row button.
  4. Select the Style from the drop-down list.
refer earn
  1. Select “Heading” and enter the content within it.
  2. Select the “Paragraph” and enter the content regarding Select the title.
  3. Select the “List” and enter the information which is shown on the front end side.
  4. Select the “Paragraph” and enter the content regarding Select the title.
  5. Select the “List” and enter the information which is shown on the front end side.

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