9 Proven Ways to Bypass Ad Blockers in Affiliate Marketing

bypass adblockers in affiliate marketing

Ads on YouTube, websites, and apps have started being annoying lately with so many unskippable ads. Some say companies are pushing consumers to buy their premium plans to stop ads.

But, let’s be honest here, ads are here to stay and tech giants aren’t just going to throw it away. 

So, instead of buying premium plans, people have started to use Adblockers.

According to Backlinko, around 32.8% of internet users use ad blockers.

That’s a lot, about 1/3rd of total users. And this is hurting affiliate marketers.

In this article, we are going to discuss the impact of ad blockers and effective ways to bypass Ad Blockers in affiliate marketing.

Impact of Ad Blockers in Affiliate Marketing? #

  • Reduced Visibility of Ads: Ad blockers stop ads from showing up on websites. This means potential customers don’t see your ads. Without visibility, you get fewer clicks and conversions. For affiliate marketers, this directly translates to earning less commission.

  • Lower Click-Through Rates (CTR): When ad blockers are used, the number of people clicking on your affiliate links drops a lot. This lower click-through rate affects how well your affiliate campaigns do. It can make it hard for you to meet your goals.

  • Decreased Revenue: The main hit from ad blockers is on your earnings. If your ads don’t show, you can’t earn commissions. This is especially tough for marketers who rely on money from ads to make a living.

  • Skewed Analytics: Ad blockers can mess up your website data by filtering out ad traffic. This makes it hard to get accurate data on how users behave. Without good data, you might make bad decisions based on incomplete information.

  • Compromised User Engagement: Affiliate marketers use ads to get users interested and direct them to valuable content or offers. Ad blockers break this flow. This makes it harder to grab users’ interest and drive traffic to your affiliate links.

These are some of the best known impact of ad blockers on affiliate marketers and lead them to reduce their earning potential. But worry not, there are some proven ways that can help you bypass ad blockers and make more money in affiliate marketing.

Effective Ways to Bypass Ad Blockers in Affiliate Marketing #

Native Advertising

Add your affiliate links into your content so they look like part of the article. You can add something like a banner or big CTA that catches the attention.

These kinds of ads match the look and feel of your content. It makes it less likely to be blocked by ad blockers. As a result, people will still see your ads and with attractive banners, they are more likely to click it too. 

Content Marketing

It is almost similar to what you do in native advertising. But, here you have to add links naturally into the content. Instead of a banner or big CTA, add links that resonate with the content.

So, when users find your content valuable and engaging, they are more likely to click on your affiliate links. This way, ad blockers don’t get in the way. Plus, you can build an audience that values your recommendation.

Email Marketing

Use email marketing to reach your audience directly. By including affiliate links in your emails, you can mitigate the impact of ad blockers. This ensures that your promotions land right in your subscribers’ inboxes, leading to higher engagement and conversions. Personalized emails can make this even more effective.

Social Media Marketing

Share your affiliate links on social media platforms. Ad blockers usually don’t affect social media content, so this strategy lets you bypass ad blockers and engage your audience where they spend a lot of their time. It also allows for more interactive and engaging content, which can increase clicks.

Influencer Partnerships

Work with influencers to promote your affiliate products. Influencers can share your links through their channels. These channels are less likely to be impacted by ad blockers, helping you reach a wider audience. Plus, their trusted recommendations can lead to more conversions.

Affiliate Link Cloaking

Use tools to disguise your affiliate links. Cloaking makes them look like regular URLs, reducing the chances of them being flagged by ad blockers. This helps your links get through without getting blocked. It also makes the links look cleaner and more trustworthy, encouraging clicks.

Direct Traffic Campaigns

Invest in direct traffic campaigns like pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. These ads are less likely to be blocked by ad blockers. PPC campaigns can drive targeted traffic to your affiliate offers without the risk of being blocked. This ensures your ads reach the right people at the right time.

Optimized Website Design

Design your website to rely less on traditional ads. Integrate affiliate links within the content and user experience. This makes it harder for ad blockers to detect and block them. A well-designed website also enhances user engagement and increases the chances of clicks.

Browser Extensions

Consider developing a browser extension that users can install. This extension can deliver your affiliate links directly within their browsing experience. Since it’s part of the browser, it’s less likely to be affected by ad blockers. It also provides a seamless way for users to access your affiliate offers.

Planning to build a browser extension?

At EnactSoft, we develop browser extensions based on the custom requirements of affiliate markets. With 10+ years in the affiliate industry, we have a team of experts who deliver custom affiliate marketing solutions.

With our solutions, we can help you avoid ad blockers and earn more commissions. Our innovative approach to browser extension development ensures that you get visibility and get higher conversions.

Conclusion #

Thou ad blockers bring challenges for affiliate marketers, they can use these strategies to bypass ad blockers effectively. It is important for every affiliate to diversify their promotional channels. Relying solely on websites might cause issues in a long term. So, diversification is the only way forward to bypass browser extensions.

But browser extensions aren’t the only solution. You can also go with Android and iOS applications with the same functionalities as your website. This allows you to reach a wider audience and provides more flexibility to engage users through features like push notifications.

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